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Get to know Ihsan Kamil Abd Al-Karim Al-Jilli



In Arabic, the term "insan kamil" comes from two words, "insan" which means "human", and "kamil" which means "perfect". Apart from that, the word "kamil" can also mean a perfect state, which is achieved through the accumulation of a number of potentials and completeness, such as knowledge, along with other good qualities.

Insan al-Kamil means a person who is kamil, which means holy, clean and free from sin. In other words, humans whose ego reaches its peak, namely when the ego is able to control itself completely, even when in direct contact with what binds the ego, whether it is the absolute ego or God.

Insan Kamil, according to Muhyiddin Ibnu'Arabi, is defined as a perfect human being in terms of his being and knowledge. He is the perfect manifestation of the image of God, in whom the names and attributes of God are completely reflected. He was also perfect in terms of his knowledge because he had reached the highest level of consciousness, known as ma'rifat, where he realized his essential oneness with God.

According to "Abd Al-Karim Al-Jilli", Prophet Muhammad SAW is an ideal human example. One of the ways to understand Muhammad is to understand him as God's messenger and as Divine light (light or spirit), which functions as the basis and center of life in this world.

Sufi circles then use the term "Nur Muhammad" to refer to Divine Light, which in addition to being found in Muhammad was also emitted by Allah SWT into Prophet Adam AS.

In the Qur'an, the word "insan" is mentioned 65 times in 63 verses, and is used to describe humans in a very wide variety of jobs. Musa Asy'ari divided insane activities into six areas. First, it is stated that humans receive lessons from God about things they do not know (QS.96:1-5). Second, it is stated that humans have a real enemy, namely Satan (QS.12:5). Third, it is stated that humans must use time well (QS.105:1-3). Fourth, it is stated that humans must carry a mandate from God (QS.33:72).


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